Is naturopathy suitable for children?

Is naturopathy suitable for children?

To answer this question, we first need to recall what the naturopathic approach is all about.

Naturopathy is an approach to health and well-being that focuses on the natural prevention of disease and the promotion of a healthy lifestyle. Recognized by the World Health Organization as the 3rd traditional medicine, naturopathy is based on a holistic approach: it takes into account the human being as a whole and acts not on the treatment of effects, but on the origin of ailments so that they no longer occur.

Naturopaths seek to understand a person's lifestyle, diet, sleep and exercise habits, as well as their medical history, in order to propose personalized actions.


A naturopath never makes a diagnosis. They don't prescribe, but offer advice and support to guide people towards a healthier lifestyle.

Naturopathy is therefore in no way intended to replace conventional medicine or drug treatments, which are indispensable for certain pathologies, but rather to complement them and help prevent imbalances to promote a healthy life.

To achieve this, it focuses on three main pillars:

- Lifestyle (diet, sleep, exercise, stress management...)

- Natural supplementation for deficiencies

- The use of aromatherapy, gemmotherapy and phytotherapy to relieve everyday ailments.


So can it be applied to children?

If we go back to the various pillars on which it is based, it's clear that implementing a healthy lifestyle is perfectly suited to children.

For example, when it comes to diet, which is one of the main areas of naturopathy, a healthy, balanced diet is recommended to help prevent illness and imbalances. For children, this is particularly important as their immune systems are still developing, and it's important for them to consume nutrient-rich, balanced foods to help boost their immune systems and prevent illness.

It also goes without saying that good quality sleep, regular exercise and a lifestyle that limits stress and anxiety are essential for healthy growth.


As far as natural supplementation is concerned, it can also be beneficial for children who may be deficient in specific nutrients (for example, children are usually routinely supplemented with Vitamin D by pediatricians), especially if they are picky eaters.

Naturopaths can recommend highly assimilable natural supplements to help fill nutritional gaps and improve the child's overall health. However, this must be done in a supervised manner to avoid excess and unnecessary supplementation.


With regard to the use of plants (herbal teas, vegetable oils, essential oils...), naturopaths can recommend the use of certain plants to help relieve various ailments in children, such as anxiety, colic, allergies, colds, eczema... However, these uses must also be carefully supervised, as certain plants or certain dosages (particularly of essential oils) can be harmful to children.

Finally, naturopaths can also recommend other natural therapies such as hydrotherapy, sophrology or other breathing techniques to help children stay healthy, relieve stress and strengthen the immune system.


In conclusion, naturopathy can be an excellent option for children. It can help strengthen the immune system, prevent illness and relieve a variety of minor ailments in a gentle, natural way.

However, it's important once again to remember that naturopathy should not be used as a substitute for conventional medicine. If your child is seriously ill or has worrying symptoms, it is essential to consult a doctor. Naturopaths can work alongside doctors to help children holistically. Some doctors are also naturopathically trained.

It's also important to consult a qualified naturopath to ensure that your child is well cared for. As the naturopathic profession is not regulated in France today, it's important to check that the naturopath you consult has undergone high-quality, recognized training in the field of naturopathy. Directories are available on the websites of various unions and federations, such as SPN, OMNES and FENA.


Some naturopaths are also specially trained to work with children. Find out more!