Skin care: a guide to healthy, radiant skin

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The skin, the largest organ in the human body, plays a crucial role in our overall health. It acts as a protective barrier against pathogens, helps regulate body temperature, and enables the elimination of toxins. Read more

Acid-base balance: how to maintain it?

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Acid-base balance is increasingly cited as a fundamental factor in our health. Based on the principle of homeostasis, acid-base balance is naturally favored by our organism, which is able to put into action the... Read more

Probiotics: why and how to take a course?

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Probiotics are increasingly taking over our medicine cabinets and pharmacy shelves. The boom in microbiota research over the last thirty years has revealed the many benefits of these micro-organisms.... Read more

The best plants to care for the intestinal mucosa

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With a total surface area of almost 200 m2, our intestine represents a vast zone of exchange, with the mucosa as its front line. This mucosa plays an essential role in the absorption of nutrients from our diet, in digestion... Read more