Fat-soluble vitamins

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Essential to our bodies, vitamins are often cited as the building blocks of our health. Numbering 13, vitamins are involved in numerous physiological processes, and are classified into two categories: vitamins... Read more

Detox and heavy metals

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Heavy metals are omnipresent in our environment. Their absorption and accumulation in our bodies can have harmful consequences on our health. Detoxification (or detoxification) of heavy metals is an important ... Read more

Stress: mechanisms, effects and natural active ingredients

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Stress is a common phenomenon in everyday life. It is in fact a normal physiological reaction of the body to difficult or dangerous situations, but it becomes problematic when it becomes chronic.What are its mechanisms and what active ingredients can help... Read more

The 10 naturopathic techniques

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Naturopathy is a holistic approach to health that aims to prevent disease and promote overall well-being. It is based on the fundamental principles of nature, and emphasizes the balance between body, mind and environment, by ... Read more